If you want a fun Valentine’s Day activity for your kids, this Valentine’s Day Fill-in-the-Blank Story is for you! Your kids can have fun creating a Valentine’s Day story that will make them laugh with their random answers. Read on to learn how to fill in this Valentine’s Day story and how to get your own copy.
Getting Ready
First, print out your copy of the Valentine’s Day fill-in-the-blank story that you can download at the end of this post. Make sure that before reading the story, that you fold the page on the dashed line. You want to keep the story a surprise so that whoever is filling out the page will not have any idea what the story is about.
Choosing Your Words
With the paper folded and the main story on the backside, fill in the lines with the specific type of word that is on the list. For example, when it says “adjective”, write a describing word such as big, delicate, soft, blue, tiny, etc. If you have younger children who may not be as familiar with certain parts of speech, you will want to help them and give them some suggestions for types of words. Even my fourth grader asked, “What is an action verb?”
Reading the Story
After all the words are written in, unfold the paper and read the story. When you come to a numbered blank, fill in the word that is written on the left side by that number. Read through the entire story and fill in your random words as you go. Hopefully the words that your kiddo picked will make them giggle as they read the Valentine’s Day Fun Fill-in-the-Blank story.
Get Your Free Printable
Click the “Free Download” button to get access to the Valentine’s Day Fill-in-the-Blank Story!